Whatever stage you are in your journey, no matter what the scale says or what size jeans you wear, or how long it takes you to climb a flight of stairs, there is ALWAYS something to be grateful for.


Believe me, I KNOW it is not easy; I also know that by adopting some positive-minded strategies, you can look past what's "wrong" with your body and see the admirable things it does for you on the daily. Focus on what you can do, and keep on doing.


It is time; time to FOCUS ON MOVEMENT GOALS.  Keep on moving to where you want to be!

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Pat Harrington says... (Reply)
"Sometimes you have to make a conscious effort to find what to be grateful for with each little bit of progress; the gratitude for each little bit of progress will propel you to keep moving." (1/15/19)
Glo says... (Reply)
"This is so true. I am grateful. Grateful that I no longer use the scale as my go to for everything. Grateful that I was able to get rid of things that were not making me feel good about myself, such as clothing that wasn't flattering. This body of mine allows me to enjoy nature as I go on walks; I am harboring more positive thinking, I am moving more and feeling better about myself!" (1/16/19)