S - See your goals

U - Understand the obstacles (and work to overcome them)

C - Create a positive mental picture

C - Clear your mind of self doubt

E - Embrace the challenge

S - Stay on track

S -Show the world you can do it



What is your idea of success? Hopefully instead of the usual "attained wealth and/or fame", it is more along the lines of realizing and accepting that YOU are enough.

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Maricela Tejeda says... (Reply)
"Nadja, you are so encouraging! I love your message, it helps to erase doubt. You are wonderful and I thank you for never giving up on me; for always motivating me!" (4/20/18)
Joan says... (Reply)
"Great motivational quotes! Thank you Nadja. I will look at this whenever I'm feeling like I can't push harder. It's all in the mind.

Thank you
Love, Joan" (4/20/18)