When trying to work on yourself, it is super easy to get frustrated especially when we compare ourselves to others. Instead, why not simply focus on yourself and look for progress, or better yet, CONSISTENCY.

Be careful not to base your goals on someone else's ideals.


Today's suggestions:

Be aware of and correct your posture

Stand up (if you are able) every hour and take 5 deep breaths

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Deb says... (Reply)
"Once again, you’re psychic! It’s easy to let comparisons with others get you down but uplifting when achieving your own goals! Thanks for the reminder!" (2/25/22)
Lynette says... (Reply)
"Hello Nadja-
I have found that by standing and taking a few deep breaths does help...it is the consistency that I lack; I guess I should look on it as sort of medicine!
Good suggestions!" (2/25/22)
Sue Stimpson says... (Reply)
"Good words of wisdom, thank you!" (2/25/22)