Determined |
(Slide Show / Regular View / 2 Columns / Thumbnails)
I am get stronger! |
This gentleman never stops it! |
Been working on my arms..and balance moves, can you tell? |
This lady always shows up, love it! |
You are never too young... |
"Team Balance"... |
I can balance, yes I can! |
Upper body strength! |
This young lady is willing to try; gotta love her efforts! |
Determined to do a side plank...with unexpected company:) |
Tried again; another day, same dog, ha ha |
We all deserve a hug AFTER a workout! |
Can't ignore that look of satisfaction:) |
Can you guess? Yup, that's my shadow, top of those stairs. I love running up and down stairs! |
Balance, balance, balance! |
A yoga block certainly has its uses! |
Rise to the balance challenge! |
Having a strong core keeps the body upright! |
Work the abs as much as possible! |
This mat motivates me! |
This stretch is soooo good! |
Have you stretched today? |
On of my list of "things to do". |
Have done this and love it..Bosu ball and medicine ball, great CORE TIME! |
No matter where I am, I am always thinking on how to improve my upper arm area! |
Love the 'definition' being shown! |
This is my look of injury is merely another challenge! |
Injured toe, balancing on one leg and smiling! |
Try balancing on one leg, eyes (slightly) closed.. |
Stretching improves your posture! |
Stretching boosts your joint health! |
"Half Moon" pose. Strengthens many areas such as the legs and ankles! |
The spine strengthens here as well. |
Elevated knee touches. Good for arm and core strength! |
Gotta work both sides..again and again..and again! |
Step ups. Good for conditioning, leg strength. |
Step up and down, then switch to work other leg. Feels good! |
Split squat on an elevated surface. |
Do it enough'll really feel it, great for strengthening and toning the legs! |
Who says you can't squat just about anywhere?! |
Nobody wants flabby arms; gotta work the triceps! |
As ready, add 'more challenge' to the move. |
Push ups, anyone? |
Always find a moment to strengthen your core! |
Balancing time! |
Which one is your favorite? Mine is 'REPEAT', ha ha. |
Cheers...always try to choose plain water over other beverages! |
I drink water every single day. Do you? |
One way to cool down:):) |
Working on the biceps! |
Lower body has big muscles; need to work them frequently! |
Bench....just because! |
Having a bench is simply a must! |
Ready to work on strengthening my chest area. |
Chest press! |
This is a great move to try! |
I love lifting! |
Challenge your muscles by lifting heavier than you think you can handle! |
Stretching the hamstrings, so good! |
Love this bar! |
Start on your hands for more stability. |
Elbow plank on the bench-what fun! |
A person is said to be considered, 'fit', if able to do at least 27 push ups without stopping! |
Need to work on the triceps often, if you want a 'firm' look! |
Up the challenge by only having one foot on the flat surface. |
Gotta stay balanced! |
One legged shoulder press! |
Try to stay balanced as you switch your position! |
You can, too! |
This little boy took up the "walking up the steep stairs" challenge! |
...he told his mother, "Please stay back, I can do this", and he did!
What's your excuse for not rising to the challenge?! |
Even dogs try the "dreadmill" otherwise known as the treadmill! |
"Okay - I walked, where's my treat?" We deserve a treat when we challenge ourselves! |
Yeah, I'm on my mat, what's next? Ha ha.. |
So not in the mood, but I just finished walking anyway...tired, now. |
At least he's standing (burns more calories than sitting does). |
"Here I am, crossing my legs-my form of exercise!" |
Even dogs try to balance on one leg! |
So what if she modifies? At least she tries:) |
She is getting better at it...this is a great stretch, try it! |
 | can I get this machine started? |
It's not moving yet..let me try this button.. |
Yes, I did it!! Ha ha..the mind of a young one! |
Keeping calm BEFORE the workout! |
Such a serious face..gotta stay focused! |
After the workout...time to stretch, ha ha |
Contemplating running up 'dem stairs' again:) |
Strengthening the core, back, even shoulders! |
Having a bench makes working out so much better! |
Balance is important, even on the bench! |
Love this pose! |
Love this pose-challenging! |
What you do to one must do to the other-balance:) |
Any which way... |
Adding weights can only make one stronger! |
I love me some Nike! |
Walking backwards puts less stress on your knee joints - try it! |
Working the core! Love it! |
Push yourself if you want to see change; who wants to stay the same anyway?! |
My version...her version :) |
Time to try the bike... |
Here we are, let's start! |
...because a treadmill is more than just for walking/running! |
Smiling, moving, all positive! |
Live Strong-it's the only way to live! |
Want to be 'less tight'? Stretching is the answer!
On stability ball holding a medicine ball-yes! |
Working the core! |
I love 'feeling' balanced! |
Nothing like a back view, ha ha |
Feeling good after running up 3 flights of stairs! |
Burn some serious calories by climbing stairs! |
I love running up these stairs! |
Walking up stairs helps to tone my body, especially my calves! |
Phew, stopped for but a moment..gotta keep on going up! |
Feeling strong is the best feeling! |
That feeling after a workout! |
A smile makes it all better:) |
I feel happy when I am healthy! |
Check your numbers (such as your blood pressure) regularly, not just the scale! |
You can use this machine, sitting down... |
You can use this machine, standing up... |
Working my upper body with a smile...feels so good! |
We all could use a punching bag in our lives:) |
Gonna keep working on my biceps! |
I love core work! |
Elevation always helps! |
Coffee and weights-no better way to start the day! |
'Whatever' as in whatever it takes to get it done.
Get healthy, stay healthy! |
Feeling good! |
A smile makes all the difference! |
By the pool or in the's time to work out! |
I can exercise..just about anywhere! |
Nike - Just Do It Already! |
I have been working...hard! |
The more muscle I gain, the more I shall burn! |
Serious face...trying to stay balanced! |
Okay, it's really quite fun..try it! |
I love this pose..balance and core work! |
Have you tried your balance move today? |
Bosu_ball_balance |
Stay balanced, each and every day! |
Want to burn calories, tighten the skin under your arms....jump rope, it is!! |
Working the legs, feels so very good! |
Working the triceps... |
I love strong legs! |
Working chest, triceps, core... |
Push up with med ball, other side view, it feels so good! |
Make The TIME, EXERCISE Self Discipline |
Starting biceps are ready |
Now is the time to get stronger! |
I love working my upper body, it's a great feeling! |
This says it all! With me as your PT (Personal Trainer), you can do just about anything!! |
Stationary bike with a comfy 'seat back'. Hold on to handles for further stability. |
Challenge yourself. Do not hold on to the handles and pedal even faster! |
Do not just sit and start to pedal. Improper seat positioning can hurt your knees and strain your lower back. |
Is that all...? |
Want to strengthen/stabilize your core, hips should NOT be sagging like this |
Way too low for a 'good plank' |
Getting there, but not quite... |
Butt way up in the air, nope...incorrect form |
Here we go..flat back, tummy tucked in tight, hurts so good...PLANK IT |
You know who I am-what are you waiting for? Let's Do This!! |
Yes, this ball was heavy; yes I was having fun, try it!! |
Want a strong core, greater flexibility and coordination? The stability ball is the answer. It can also help you lose weight if used correctly AND consistently! |
Want to stabilize your core? Try doing the plank with a stability ball, it's challenging and fun! |
Working abs-I love it! |
Lifting...can only make me stronger! |
You have to work hard..... |
Good things happen to those who 'pole'...I am starting at the bottom, ha, ha |
Getting ready.... |
This feels good! |
I work HARD for these legs!!! |
 | this.... |
I am feeling good right now! |
2013-Time to start doing the plank! |
I love to...'plank it' |
Need I say more? |
Don't You Dare Quit-Push Yourself! |
Raise Your Bar... |
Balance...I love the stability challenge! |
Stability comes before mobility... |
I'm....SO ON IT!!!! |
Have you stretched today? Try to make stretching YOUR daily habit! |
Don't mess with the core! |
Getting ready to work the core! |
I love a strong core, don't you? |
Just Move It Already! |
Stretching! Stability Ball! Absolutely! |
Stretching helps you to have joint flexibility, so do it! |
 |'s FUN!!! |
Working's MY way of life. It should be yours too! |
Strength Training: Increased energy, stronger joints, lower body fat, are just a few of the benefits. TRY IT!! |
Leg Press-because it works!! |
If You Aren't Ready...You'll ALWAYS Find An Excuse! |
Look At Those Guns!!! I love this 'Strong Feeling'.... |
Once Is Never Enough-Keep Lifting, Keep Pushing, Keep Moving! |
Upper Body Strength-We ALL Need It! |
Use The Kettle Bell For Increased Strength-I Do! |
Improved Mobility, Range Of Motion-The Kettle Bell Is Your Best Bet! |
Seriously....NO EXCUSES...Simply Not Acceptable! |
Talk About...Glute Activation! |
Which one will you give me today-Blood, Sweat OR Tears? |
Having a strong core means you can do anything, yes-anything!!!! |
Work on getting rid of your 'love handles' by doing this exercise! |
I keep on getting stronger-what a great feeling! How are you feeling? Full of..strength or...excuses? |
The STEP works your glutes, added resistance (dumbbells) is always a plus! |
Balance challenge-feels great! |
The Elliptical machine can work wonders for your body! |
Do you have enough 'balance' in your life? |
The kettlebell is a good tool to add to my collection! |
Working arms and legs!!! No hands = more core work! |
Building up my strength and endurance.... |
One can never get enough of the...kettlebell! |
(Proper) posture...because it looks better! |
On the STABILITY ball..... |
Time to strengthen the legs |
Legs look so good when they are not full of....'wobbles' |
Getting that heart rate up is necessary! |
Like most exercises I do, it hurts SO GOOD! |
Try going on an Elliptical Machine with no hands, better yet-face backwards! |
What a great stretch! |